About to Thank...
Thanksgiving is almost here to 2005 and my list is LOOOOOooooong! I have already had one thanksgiving dinner. It was put together by my over-astoundingly gracious and talented roommate, The Bex and she did a dang up job at a spread for 8 at our home last Thursday. The meal was intimate and enjoyable. The other Turkey celebration was this last weekend in North Carolina.
Friday I worked a half-day then headed down with my baby, a.k.a. The Ashton, to North Carolina to visit the camp he used to work for the last three years. It was an AWESOME trip. I understand more about Stephen now having seen the woods and meeting some boys and chiefs (co-workers) and mentors in Stephen’s life. It was a good time to relax and escape everyday pressures. I’m not sure how much rest it brought Stephen though! He still pushed himself!
Last night the boys at camp wrapped a turkey and buried it under a MASSIVE house-high pile of wood called a BON-fire! The flames reach past tall pine trees! It was cool to hear how camp had affected each one of the boys, chiefs, supervisors and even the founder and his wife were there. They sang camp songs and drank hot cocoa and ate cookies and we left after that.
I have this Thursday and Friday off and Thanksgiving will be spent at my sisters, who just got married (for those who skipped the last blog!) and lives just down the street from me. My new in-laws are from here and are wonderful people: great, kind and open family. So they will be joining us. Along with my mom, dad and youngest brother Steven. (Please note that this ‘baby’s’ name is spelled differently than my baby’s name!)
My oldest younger brother is still in Iraq and doing great. Probably won’t be able to make it for Thanksgiving with our family, but they will have one over there, and done right! Timmy, the middle of my three younger bros, is in a group home and won’t be able to join us =( That’s not going to be any fun! Tim, we’ll miss you buddy.
Wow abby I am so glade you posted. It has been along time LOL. I hope you enjoy your holiday!!! Holly and I have posted about 3 news ones or something so hop on over to our page
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I've been keeping up with your posts...haven't let you know that i've been there though. I'll leave comments too.You're so good at that! You're the best blogger friend a girl could have!
Thanks ladies, for being there for me. I love your ever-growing families!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Abby, I've been keepin up w/ your posts but I really haven't had an opportunity to comment because life has been kinda hectic, but good lately. God has been doing some wonderful things in my relationship with Mark, and in case the word hasn't gotten around to you yet, Caden's gonna have a little brother or sister due the first week in July! God works in mysterious ways, but I believe everything happens for a reason! Thanks so much for your help and support through the hard times. I'll be in touch. Love ya girl. -Lindsay
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Hi Abby, your blog is excellent. As I was surfing around today looking for detailed info on planning african american wedding I somehow ended up on your page. As your About to Thank... is not exactly related to my search, I am certainly glad I stopped by. Oh well, back to surfing and I am sure I will find what I am looking for, and should you ever need information about planning african american wedding, then stop by for a look. Thanks for the post.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Abbs come on I am dying for an update on you and steve LOL....How have you been doing?
Sunday, December 18, 2005
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I Hate Spam on My Site!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
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