Lookin' Forward To...
AUGUST! Yes I am! Well, it's already here, so I'm living a dream I guess. This month is going to bring really awesome things, and already has. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, August has already been amazing these 1.2 days into the month! Jealous? Should be =)
Today was great beyond expression and that's all I can say about that.... it's beyond expression! I don't know how else to put it. At least on the world wide web. And for all to see, because, you have to understand that it's a little......mine. Who in the world writes about what they can't say? I don't know who would waste their time like that!
In other news, on the 5th of this month I will find out if I have enough students to teach sign language this next school year to Jr. High and High schoolers. This Sunday night I will begin to teach the young women in the Elon Baptist Church youth group about what it means to be a woman made with God's image. NOT JUST IN IT. With it. We've got it. Who we are as women reflect directly the Father who made us. We will look at why Satan hates us. Why he picked Eve to bring sin into the world and what each sex's first sin was and that it continues to be our downfall today. Thirdly, we’ll think about some of the hurts that women deal with, and lastly but not leastly, lol we’ll look at a Godly dating relationship should look like based on the value we have as daughters of the Lord Most High!
Whew, don’t get me started! So that will be going on each week. So looking forward to getting to know these girls and pouring my love out on them. I think my own Bible study is starting this month too. As colleges and high schools around the city get back in gear the BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) will be as well. We are studying Genesis this year. It takes 7 years to go over all the materials available to BSF chapters. This is my 2nd year. Can’t wait!
Today I started working fulltime at CLARKE, Inc. or Clarke Communications, Creative Marking and Print Communications Firm, because I am done with college and am a big girl now! Started with salary too. How monumental! 9-5 baby, here we go! All work no play. Yea right! Who believes that?
I am finishing up some internship hours that were left over from Dec/Jan and that is going towards revamping a churches bulletin design and launching their new logo because they have existed for a long time as a body of believers, but they are just now getting their first building that didn’t used to be a Salvation Army or grocery store or elementary school. (that’s a long sentence. not even really sure if it’s a sentence still) ANYWHO, so that’ll be done with and that’s good. Nothing looming over my head and eating up spare time. Another freelance job I’m doing will be my best portfolio piece yet. I’ll be done with that in a few weeks, should be this month. Great paying job!
Planning my sisters bridal shower is going to be this month. My brother Daniel ( www.spcellyson.blog.com) should be visiting us this month which is going to ROCK! I’ve been waiting for that for a LONG time. =) I need him right now. Now that I’m done
with college, I’m faced with all sorts of choices and I’d love to hear what he has to say about some of them.
Let’s recap:
Find out if I’m teaching or not
Teach youth about womanhood and dating
Starting BSF weekly bible study, Genesis
Started CLARKE, Inc. fulltime, without classes, and with salary
Finishing internship hours
Finish BIG portfolio booster Freelance job
Plan sisters bridal shower
Visit with brother Daniel on break from Iraq
Meet NEW PEOPLE…..A+ Families!
and youngest brother Steven is turning 12!
THAT’S IT! I told myself this wasn’t going to be a long blog—but it totally is! I am working on getting them shorter, I know ya’ll don’t have all the time in the world.
STEPHEN IS TURNING 12...Oh my goodness. anyways sounds like the month is full. Exciting for me to! Little steve is turning 2 on the 15th. WOW!! Anyways be blessed and have fun! Talk to you later girl...
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Thanks for reading these superlooooooong posts that I write! That's awesome! I really enjoy reading what you have commented on both mine and Daniel's site. I love hearing about what is going on with your loved ones and knowing about how you are doing.
My desk calendar at work says "Little Steve Cunningham will be 2 this month some time!" And now I know that it's the 15th. You must be so proud! Did you know that we have never met...I've never met your offspring and that's tragic. Just not right! I was the first one to hold Holly's first baby, Kayle, but I haven't met or even seen a picture of her second baby. That doesn't make Abby happy either. =)
Hope to hear from you soon, and let me know if you come back and read these.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
hi abby, how are you doing? i can't hardly believe that you have never seen a pic of my new well not so new baby allie. you have to post your address or something i feel so so bad, like a bad friend. lol i will send you some pics definitly. she will be 8 mths on the 16th this month. now thats hard to believe. You have a job, goodness girl iam so proud of you. abby ellyson on salary, sounds good to me. I live in hinesville again cause my husband is going back to Iraq soon so i would rather live with heather and myfamily. so daniel is coming home thats good. and anna is getting married wow, tell her congrats.my first offspring is saying momma hungery so i think she needs refueled. jk well i have to feed her. we love ya and miss you so much. talk to you later bye
Friday, August 05, 2005
ooppss, forgot to sign my name so anyway the one above this one is from me. love ya holly
Friday, August 05, 2005
well abby I say I relized you never meet steve the 2nd. You would love him and vise versa. Anyways girl have so much fun with daniel and live it up. I am excited that he will be home soon as I know you all will be as well. He said he was going to susprise steven thats a great idea so dont let it slip LOL Have fun and talk to you soon. if I can figure out what you your email I will email you pictures of the offspring!Talk to you soon~Heather
Friday, August 05, 2005
Hey abbs,
I was wondering if you could email me your real street address so I can mail you some pictures. I know you will love to see them. Some of are the kids and others from super summer and so on! Okay email h_beach_holly@yahoo.com And guess who I saw walking on the side of the road the other day? Do you remember the guy that use to sleep on your roof????? I guess I can leave it at that.....
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Hey abbs,
I was wondering if you could email me your real street address so I can mail you some pictures. I know you will love to see them. Some of are the kids and others from super summer and so on! Okay email h_beach_holly@yahoo.com And guess who I saw walking on the side of the road the other day? Do you remember the guy that use to sleep on your roof????? I guess I can leave it at that.....
Saturday, August 06, 2005
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