Valentines Day...
Well, yesterday was a good good day for me. Stephen and I were a little worried that we weren't going to be able to get time together until after 9:30 pm and we were right.
Bible Study Fellowship was last night and since I am a group leader, I am required to be there for my ladies, and I wanted to be there. It wouldn't be fair if they all made the effort to come and miss out on the festivities of the day, then I shouldn't eaither. God blessed our time.
During work yesterday I was having a converstaion with a coworker when I ansered the phone and it was Stephen. He said, "Hey babe, whatcha doin'? You might wanna go check your car out!" Oh, I ran outside and there I found in a vase a dozen light and dark pink long stem roses, a bear with a picture frame around his neck with Stephen inside (it was a picture I took of him the day we were engaed...when i took the picture he had his hand in his pocket on my ring and i had no clue!!!). And there was an awesome card too! I loved all of it! He's never had Valentines with a woman before. And not a man either! Just his friends and family, but this is different!
After bible study go out I went to his house to take him a scrap book of our 2005 together to him, and his card. He loved the book and the card, even though I had to take the book back to finish it! How tacky is that!!! I did want him to see it on Valentines Day and not get it late, even if it wasn't finished yet.
Then I learned that he wasn't finished gving me gifts yet!!! MORE? This is great! So he set the room up with aroma therapy candles and gave me a long massage with oils! Oh. My. Goodness! So sweet! Then, he gave me a new shirt to put on so I wouldn't get oil on my work clothes. It has a hat on the front of it and says, "What Would Ashton Do?" He thought it would be great for me to wear because his last name is Ashton!! It is referring to both Jesus and Ashton Kutcher. I'm sure you got that!
So I had a pretty good day! Tell me about yours!
oh abby you sure do have a catch there with that boy. i really need to email you iam bad at that. but wes got orders for korea and so i am living here getting ready to move into my own place but anywho wes sent a wonderful card it was sweet. so iam glada that you had a wonderful day and i will talk to you later. love ya holly
ps have we finally picked a date?????
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Abby, you are so lucky!!!! I'm glad Stephen treats you so good! I wish you two the best and I'll talk to ya soon!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
how do you get to do all that and not kiss?
Friday, February 17, 2006
My dear baby sister,
Understanding the love that God has blessed you with, is not in the power of man. But just being able to see it, is a blessing enough to me. I love you girl. It is good to hear that all is well with you. Just wanted to let you know, that I have a new blog out myself. More to come. Same addy. I am praying for you always. Your bro, Dan
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
When you wake up every morning and ask God to protect your relationship, it isn't that hard not to kiss because he is the one giving the power. Plus, we never had, so it isn't any different from what we've already been doing. Plus, my face wasn't by his!
We are getting married Father's Day! June 18th, 2006!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
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