Thursday, September 30, 2004

Men and Women: Different But Good

As I sit and think of what I should base my first blog on I reflect on what conversation topics get me most fired up: the differences of men and women. That does it for me more times than not. I currently attend a private university where the boys in upper level philosophy and logic classes are sometimes taught that females are not as logical as males are, not as proficient in top managing positions and the like. As that may be true, the tone in which this information is shared is what’s offensive. I don’t mind understanding and admitting that men and women are different: that makes the sexes work well together.

My problem is when guys continually think they are better in every way and that girls possess only a small realm of ‘goodness.’ “Just as long as you stay either in the kitchen or the bedroom, you’re good” my friend said joking with me one time. That got me goin’. =)

My argument is this: guys, don’t think that by putting women down that you are lifting yourself up. There are wonderful aspects to women that are to be praised and cherished. Some of the greatest debaters, writers, and leaders are men; I recognize this. I am an honest person and I tell myself the truth. But that doesn’t mean that women can’t debate and win: that they can’t write and be a bestseller: or that they have no leadership qualities. I don’t like feeling like all I’m good for is a set of ovaries.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Welcome to my Best Shot!

Ok, so this is new to me. BLOGGING...huh. Some people use their AIM profile and away messages to let those close to them know how they are doing. Some already have websites that they update and if you’re old-school then you still write newsletters and...mail them. But if you’re really up-to-speed then you know how to blog.
When I tell my friends that I started a blog, some of them say, “Oh, that’s awesome. Cool” while some stare waiting for me to explain myself. I have been somewhat surprised at how many people don’t know what it is. But you do, and that’s all that matters. Thanks for reading my virgin blog.