Wednesday, December 28, 2005

All I wanted for Christmas...


I have the perfect man for me, a ring and a date! And I couldn't be happier! He is so amazing; I don't want to even think about my future apart from him!

The man I have prayed for since I was 11 or 12 is to be mine. He is the man, as I have matured, whom I have thought would be a fantastic match for me, and it’s true. He is the oldest in his family of 4 younger sisters and is 5 years older than me. PERFECT! He has solid character qualities much like the ones my dad displays. Stephen even plays the piano! And very well too! He is so very thoughtful and kind, speaking to me with respect and consideration. His wisdom shows in the few adorable grey hairs that are displayed in his goatee. I love them!!! Yummy!

Stephen Ashton is Christ in flesh to me. He wants to be more and more like the Father who created us from His breath. He won’t put anything, including me in front of his relationship with Almighty God.

I just found another way to post photos, so I’ll do that soon!